
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Business and Golf

One of my best friends, Kent Batman (an insurance executive I have known for over a decade), use to always tell me that golf is good for business. "Some of the best deals are made on a golf course," he would tell me. He is a big reason why I play today. With a 3 handicap, I actually saw him make some testosterone driven wagers. "If I win the most holes, you do the deal. If you win the most holes, I leave you alone and buy you dinner." He won those deals handily and I stood in awe. Than there is my skills. I have a 30+ handicap and my deals go something like this, "if you win the most holes you still do the deal for me and if I win the most holes, they name a national holiday after me." If that did happen, I'm sure it would be "April Fools." Some how, I can't get anyone to make such a deal. Yet, I am still on the course and I love it.

Today I went golfing with my oldest son. Neither of us have been out all year because of how terrible the weather has been here in Texas thus far, so we were actually worse than usual. The only thing more terrible than the quality of the game is our golf etiquette. "Dude, your ball is in my way, go ahead and putt it in." "'Hey, quick, what is that thing you are suppose to yell when you hit the ball...', 'Wow, you almost hit that guy!" "'What does that 90 degree stand for and is it okay to actually drive this cart where we putt...' 'Oh, you ran over the flag again!'" It is really almost scary. But we still have fun.

I think it still helps me in business, even if not in making deals. I find myself much more relaxed after 14 holes (each hole takes a long time for us, rarely do we have enough sunlight to make it to 18). I have a clearness in my mind as I swing that club that I don't have at any other time. I can't think of anything or I'll miss the ball; but I need to think of how to hit it well enough to get it where I want it to go. I guess that will come with experience. After all, I have only been playing for around three years. Golf helps clear my head so I can be at my best when in comes to business and it reminds me that I certainly still need to work for a living.

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