Bush Snubs Constitution, Congress, and Passes the Buck

Bush goes on to say that "unfortunately, despite extensive debate and agreement that we should prevent disorderly bankruptcies in the American auto industry, Congress was unable to get a bill to my desk before adjourning this year." This is a nice euphemism for stating that the bill didn't pass. Period.
Bush states that "this means the only way to avoid a collapse of the U.S. auto industry is for the executive branch to step in. The American people want the auto companies to succeed, and so do I." Maybe some of the people he knows. Maybe his golfing buddies from Ford or tennis partners at GM. But I couldn't find a single national survey that supported such. Furthermore, the American people overwhelming told Congress to not pass this bill. Most were unhappy with the Wall Street bailout, someone needs to be held accountable for their business acumen (or lack of).
The President stated that "these loans will provide help in two ways. First, they will give automakers three months to put in place plans to restructure into viable companies -- which we believe they are capable of doing." When I left Detroit in the 1970s, the automobile industry in that city was already on the ropes and Chrysler was seeking loans. The automobile industry has wasted decades trying to get its house in order. Now, Bush believes it will restructure itself in 3 months? It would be funny if the money wasn't real and he wasn't serious. Well, at least it is only around $15 billion. The second "way" this bill is to help will be "if restructuring cannot be accomplished outside of bankruptcy, the loans will provide time for companies to make the legal and financial preparations necessary for an orderly Chapter 11 process that offers a better prospect of long-term success -- and gives consumers confidence that they can continue to buy American cars." Does Bush honestly believe that Americans will ever have confidence in a company in Chapter 11? President Bush clearly needs a reality check.
Kevin Price is a syndicated columnist whose articles frequently appear at ChicagoSunTimes.com, Reuters.com, USAToday.com, and other national media. Kevin Price is Host of the Price of Business (M-F at 11 AM on CNN 650) and Publisher of the Houston Business Review. Hear the show live and online at PriceofBusiness.com. Visit the archive of past shows here.
Labels: automobile industry, bailout plan, Barack Obama, Bush Administration, Congress, George Bush, Wall Street
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