
Monday, September 11, 2006

Do Not Forget September 11th

It sounds silly, how can we forget? But my daughter pointed out to me that she has gotten the sense that most of us are "forgetting" a little bit more than the year before. We were driving in my car and she said "you know on the first anniversary we were encouraged to wear red, white, and blue, maybe a pin to acknowledge what happened, and things like that. And at school we actually had a special assembly just to remember what happened." She went on to point out that "although we do something every year, it isn't like that first anniversary. The emphasis on this date is getting smaller each year."

I agree. September 11th is one of the most important dates in this country's history. It changed the world in general and the US in particular in a most profound way. It showed the measure of the American Spirit and its ability to bounce back. It demonstrated the value of vigilance as we have not had a similar attack since then because of largely sound security policies. And it should always remind us to never be complacent so we don't find ourselves in such a position again.

For many of us, we had little ones on that date who at the time didn't understand what happened and we probably needed to protect them from such. Don't forget, as they grew older, to consider giving them information so they can join you in being ever mindful of this important day.

We will not likely ever say "Happy September 11th!" to others, because of the nature of the reminder. However, let's not forget to have a thoughtful September 11th and be grateful to those who sacrificed then and who continue to sacrifice around the world for our freedoms.


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