
Monday, October 23, 2006

The Phone Directory's Tough Sale

Over the weekend I found myself at a tire store waiting for a replacement for one with a slow leak. While waiting, I some how struck up a conversation with a gentleman and he informed me that he published telephone directories. I was in shock, "you mean one with paper and ink?" He said, "yes." I said, "that is one tough job." He quickly responded back, "no, it is a great business." I said, how? According to recent research more people find businesses through the web than any other source." He said, "no way, people are creatures of habit and the phone directory is the habit of most."

The truth is, phone books are only suitable to those uncomfortable with the web, which is a very small population and phone book users are decreasing every year. Plus the web is now available to more than 75 percent of all homes and the number is growing daily and the web allows the user to not only find the business or person they are looking for, but also an exact map of where they live. Furthermore, they can find the business that is near to them and specific directions from point A to B. Then there is the fact you can choose text size, making it easier for older readers. I think you are getting my point.

However, I appreciated this man's efforts. At every turn this gentleman was sincerely telling me the "web may be the tool of the future, but I'm talking about today. Furthermore, you can expect my latest directory on your door step soon." I said "great, it can join the one that has been sitting there for over a week." He looked at me in shock, I said "at least I know where that one is, I have no idea where to find the one I received last year." He was very nice, even though our conversation got a little passionate, and we agreed to disagree. But as I was driving away I remembered where my last directory was -- it was hand delivered by one of our kids from the porch to the trash can after a week or two. I guess that will happen to the latest directory gathering dust on my porch. We might as well wait until his arrives and we can kill two directories with one throw.


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