
Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm Mad at "Mad Men"

I love a good TV series based on historical fiction. For example, I use to think American Dreams was great. Sure, it was a little political, but it was full of great story lines. For weeks, AMC has been tempting me with a new drama called Mad Men, which is about the birth of the modern advertising agency.

Mad Men promised slick scripts, great costumes, cool cinematography, historical relvence, etc. I must admit, when I turned it on it was eye catching. The sets were very appealing visually and the costumes seemed to match the historical timeline. But then the characters started to talk.

According to the episode I was watching, Readers Digest recently did an article about the horrors of smoking and the Mad Men make a living selling this vice's virtues. "Bold, beautiful," you get the idea. Everyone in the show smokes. I'm expecting the cats and dogs to puff away. The medical doctor comes into an examination room with a patient waiting and decides to fire up.
All of the characters are sinister, they know smoking is harmful and they promote them knowing that they destroy lives. This world is very politically incorrect, with men suggesting that they show more leg and to have weaker morals. After a while, I almost thought I was watching a remake of Star Wars. "Come to the Dark Side" Readers Digest. The nifty suits could be replaced with a Darth Vader costume. The leader of this group of evil Jedi's was even trying to recruit one of its members to manage the campaign of Richard Nixon for President! Terrible!
This show simply has too much of an axe to grind. I'll give it a few more tries, but I don't see this show sticking with me. If it does, don't expect to write a retraction.

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