
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Run Gore Run

I am formally announcing my endorsement for Al Gore to run for President. As a Democrat, of course. Which means I will never vote for him, but he could do an excellent job of further dividing the Democrats for the '08 elections.

Since becoming something of a rock star and actually winning an Academy Award for best documentary (for his apocalyptic assessment of the environment called An Inconvenient Truth), many on the Left are hoping he might jump into the race. All of the Hollywood money that Barack Obama was receiving will quickly shift to "one of their own", in my opinion. (By the way, Gore has his own inconvenient truth, since the media is reporting that his own home consumes ten times the energy of the average house in the US. Can you spell hypocrite?).

Now we are being "tempted" by the idea on AOL, as they ask visitors whether or not Gore should run. Interestingly, he won overwhelmingly in the poll against Obama, John Edwards, and even Hillary, both in the Democratic nomination and the general election (at least compared to the other mentioned Democrats in the survey). I hope Al Gore drinks from this Kool Aid and jumps in, but I doubt the poll is accurate. I know many people, like myself, voted in the survey and was favorable to Gore on every question. Why? Because the other candidates are already in and the more competition the Democrats have, the better it is for Republicans. At least that's the theory.

I want to encourage you to go vote for Gore too at the AOL poll. Let's give the Democrats some of the chaos Republicans have recently suffered from.

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