
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Barack Obama Comes Down to Earth

The media darling, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), has recently been on the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, which has become a regular ritual of those pursuing the White House (in the old days it was Face the Nation). He is being treated like a rock star and seems to be enjoying it, but the microscope that eventually follows all Presidential candidates now seems to be pursuing him.

In 1995 at the ripe old age of 34 (yes, that's right, 34), Obama wrote a memoir (Dreams from My Father) in which he admitted to drug use, including cocaine. Immediately journalists have begun to question whether this was just the tip of the iceberg. He denies any other activity that could be embarrassing, but since he was under the influence he can't really remember. Okay, the second half of that last line was a joke, and not true. The kind of joke you will likely hear on late night TV and will tarnish his star power and bring him -- either quickly or slowly -- back to earth.

This will only be the beginning. In spite of how charismatic he is, Obama is extremely liberal and will likely find it difficult to defend policy positions that are outside the mainstream on many Americans. Than there are accusations of being connected with Antoin Rezco, who has been accused of influence peddling and faces such charges as I write (although there is no evidence of wrong doing by the Senator, the relationship is there).

This isn't meant to say that Obama won't be a significant player in the 2008 Presidential campaign, but that he has largely enjoyed a free ride. That free ride is quickly coming to an end with each passing day. Welcome back to earth, Senator.

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