Most people are expecting a political earthquake like we have not seen since 1980 or 1994. The expected arrival of that event is 2010, but rumbles towards that date are happening now. What is interesting is that one of the earliest targets among those who have grown disgusted with a government out of control isn't a Democrat, but long time Senator Arlen Spector of Pennsylvania. This Republican Liberal has long been the subject of Conservative disdain.
Spector has been suspicious in the eyes of the Conservative rank and file for years. Not only did he vote for the terrible TARP package last Fall, he went so far of being only one of three Republicans to vote for Obama's massive package in January of this year. For many, this only added insult to a political career that has long injured Conservative causes.
Today it is being reported in everything from the Wall Street Journal to CQ Politics that Pat Toomey, Chairman of the fiscally Conservative Club for Growth, is resigning from that position in order to make a run for the United States Senate. His reason for leaving is "to pursue other opportunities." He goes on to state that "I feel extremely honored to have been able to lead such a great organization," in a statement released Monday."And while I will certainly miss the Club for Growth, I am comforted knowing that the organization will be left in the capable and talented hands of my former congressional colleague" (former Rep. Chris Chocola, R-IN).
Toomey is no stranger to elected office and was once a US Representative from the State of Pennsylvania. While in office he collected a solid Conservative voting record on many issues and not just economics, the
National Review noted during the debate over who McCain should choose for Vice President that:
-Toomey holds a 0% rating by NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League), indicating a solid pro-life voting record
-Toomey is in favor of school prayer
-Toomey voted yes on the 2003 energy policy proposed by President Bush
-Toomey voted no on prohibiting ANWR drilling
-Toomey has repeatedly voted in favor of free trade
-Toomey is rated A by the National Rifle Association
It goes on to point out that, of course, "Toomey is a tax cutter and a limited-government proponent. The Club For Growth's efforts reflect his commitment to these conservative principles."
After the massive Tea Party events on Wednesday, April 15, many are going to be looking at a place to funnel their energies. The center of the political universe will be the US House and US Senate. If the Tea Party hopes to be more than just a fad, they need to pursue changing the make up of the Congress in 2010.
Kevin Price is Host of the Price of Business, the longest running show on CNN 650 (M-F at 11 am), AOL Radio, and CBS Radio. Eric Bolling of Fox News and Fox Business says that Price’s Blog “is very influential and moves the blogosphere.” Steve Moore of the Wall Street Journal calls Price the “best business talk show host in the country.” Find out why and visit his blog at and his show site at Arlen Spector, Club for Growth, John McCain, National Review, National Rifle Association, Pat Toomey, Wall Steet Journal